What Causes Oily Skin?

There’s a fine balance to be struck between having skin that is too dry, and skin that is too oily. Some people suffer from oily skin more than others, but there are a number of different factors that can contribute to increased oil secretion. The key is understanding what these factors and triggers are, and using that information to change daily routines in order to reduce the chance of oily skin.
Everyone’s skin is different so some of these factors may affect some people more than others, but by paying attention to them all it is possible to reduce the incidence of oily skin.
In this article we’ll examine some of the main causes of oily skin to help you resolve the issue.
What Is The Main Cause Of Oily Skin?
There are several possible contributory factors which can increase the likelihood of oily skin.
1. Genes
Some people are more genetically predisposed to having oily skin, as it’s a trait that can be passed down through the generations. Larger sebaceous glands mean that more oil is produced and released onto the skin.
2. Age
Some people find that as they get older their skin becomes drier, however often pores can stretch with age and larger pores tend to secrete more oil. While shrinking your pores isn’t possible, you can blot your skin to remove excess oil.
3. Time of Year and Environment
The seasons can have a huge effect on your skin - cold, dry winter air can dry it out which can cause your oil glands to produce more oil in compensation. Humid, hot weather, meanwhile, can also stimulate extra oil production.
4. Using The Wrong Skin Products
As mentioned, everyone’s skin is different and what we’ve found is that people don’t always use the right skin products for their particular skin types. Using the wrong products can exacerbate the issue of oily skin. Similar to how winter air can dry out your skin, prompting over-production of oil, using skin products that are designed to dry out your skin can actually do the same thing, so you end up with more sebum being produced and a continued oily skin issue.
Take a look at our range of face masks which match any skin type or condition. If you have oily skin, try our Perfect Skin Mineral Mask II.
5. Washing Your Face Too Much
We recommend washing your face regularly in order to reduce bacterial buildup and keep your pores clear. However, some people wash their faces too often which can lead to oily skin. Washing in the morning and in the evening to remove makeup should suffice, in combination with a daily exfoliator like our Lactobionic Acid for Skin to rejuvenate your face and tighten the pores.
6. Not Moisturising Enough
It’s key to ensure you moisturise your skin daily with a product that is right for you. We have a huge range of moisturisers for you to browse and choose the formulation that is best for your skin combination. Many customers have found that Absolute Vitamin Cream is great for oily skin, to help replenish minerals and vitamins and restore their skin’s vitality and natural healthy look.
What Foods Cause Oily Skin?
As well as genetics and external factors like the weather and topical products applied to the skin, what you put into your body can also have an impact on oil levels in the skin. Here is a rundown of some of the food items that may be contributing to an oily skin problem.
- Salt causes dehydration, so you may think this wouldn’t contribute to oily skin. What happens is that the dehydration leads to an increase in oil levels as the skin overcompensates and produces more. Alcohol has the same effect - initial dehydration, followed by extra sebum secretion and more oily skin.
- Dairy products can cause some people to experience oily skin. It’s worth bearing in mind that dairy intake has other health benefits that could outweigh the issue of oily skin, so consider those before deciding to cut dairy out of your diet (that said, there are plenty of people who follow a vegan lifestyle and are perfectly able to get all the vitamins and minerals their bodies need).
- Red meat such as beef, lamb, pork and goat are high in saturated fats, which can result in excess oil being produced.
What Hormone Causes Oily Skin?
A hormone that causes oily skin, called ‘insulin-like growth factor 1’ (IGF-1), is triggered when you eat foods high in sugar or foods high in refined carbs (such as bread and pasta) which results in excess oil being secreted.
Hormone fluctuations around menstrual cycles can also increase the occurrence of oily skin - androgens are names of the hormones mostly responsible for oil production, and sometimes they can fluctuate, stimulating an increase in sebum production.
What Vitamin Deficiency Causes Oily Skin?
Vitamins can form an integral part of your skincare regime along with washing and exfoliating. If you have oily skin, one possible cause could be a lack of vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin. Taking extra vitamin B2 can help with mucus secretion in the skin, which prevents the dryness that can trigger extra oil secretion.
If your oily skin is caused by factors within your control, such as diet, makeup, incorrect skin products or over washing, there are several things you can do to reduce the amount of oil being secreted. However, external factors such as hormones, genes and environment, may be contributing to the issue as well. If you amend the elements which are in your control there is a good chance that you’ll be able to reduce or eliminate the issue of oily skin.
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